What We Do
Gasconade County Special Services provide these and other services to eligible participants:
- Support Coordination – Support Coordinators help coordinate, link and connect eligible individuals to resources and services identified in the person-centered planning process. The planning process will identify the individual’s abilities, life goals, service and support needs. GCSS started their Targeted Case Management program in December 2009. Effective 8/1/19, Osage County Special Services is now providing the Case Management service for Gasconade County individuals.
- Personal Enhancement Program – Activities are offered to enhance the lives of persons with developmental disabilities. This includes recreation, camp scholarships, workshops and family support.
- Transportation – Funding is provided for transportation to sheltered employment, day program and recreation activities. OATS is the contracted provider for those services.
- Additionally, GCSS contracts with a variety of service providers to assist with services such as sheltered employment, day programs, and personal assistance.